Benefits Of Using Binaural Beats And Isochronic Tones

Isochronic tones are a fast and effective audio-based way to stimulate your brain. This is possible thanks to how binaural beats work: it is able to reproduce specific brainwave patterns, at desired combinations, which yield the results. So in this post, I'm going to give you a run down of the benefits you can expect to reap from regular use of theta binaural beats.

Over a longer period of time, there has been plenty of research done on brain entrainment technology as well as binaural beats. Our brain ( and its billions of neurons) function by producing tiny electrical waves known as brainwaves. There are five major patterns or types of brain waves according to scientists, namely; Gamma (31-100Hz), Beta (16-30Hz), Alpha (8-15Hz), Theta (4-7 Hz), Delta (0.1-3 Hz).

The reason we must present the brain with two seperate frequencies in order to create the low frequency of 6 Hz is because the ears can usually only hear between 20 and 20,000 Hz. If a frequency of 6 Hz was simply presented in the first place the ears would not even register it.

If you've ever been mesmerized by the sound of ocean waves or a crackling fire, you've experienced brainwave entrainment. With the help of binaural beats, you can easily improve your life by reducing the effects of psychological and physical ailments. And when researchers in Richmond, Virginia, requested 36 adults with chronic pain to listen to two recordings of binaural beats for 20 minutes each day for 2 weeks, 77 percent felt their pain lessened.

You listen to binaural beats using headphones. Binaural beats are actually a quite simple concept for the effectiveness and power that's held inside of them. Although any of these frequencies can occur at any electrode site of the brain, alpha waves are often Binaural beats recorded at posterior sites, theta waves at frontal sites, and gamma waves over sensory cortices.

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